Celia Lerman recognized as a World Trademark Review 1000 Recommended Expert in Argentina

This article was first published in Lerman & Szlak


The 2020 edition of World Trademark Review 1000: The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals has listed Celia Lerman, partner of our firm, as a recommended expert in Argentina. Quoting WTR 1000 research directory, she has been recognized as a responsive, supportive, reliable, proactive, and agile IP lawyer with deep knowledge of the intellectual property.

The recognition also remarks Celia’s exceptionally clear, smart and client-oriented strategic advice, while endorsing her practice as a go-to for IP, corporate law and all legal matters related to entrepreneurship and innovation. The Lerman & Szlak team celebrates this recognition, as a reflection of Celia’s efforts to provide a productive and consistent service.

WTR 1000 includes firms and practitioners with outstanding expertise on Trademark Law and IP around the world, and it is updated on a yearly basis through exhaustive qualitative research, in order to identify the leading professionals in this area.

For more information on the WTR 1000, 2020 Edition, visit https://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/directories/wtr1000.